Meet Jesse

One of our Remote Sensing Scientists and also among the first employees of Treeconomy!

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Where are you from?

I’m from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada - famous for its nickel mines and being a nature recovery project itself. For most of the 20th century, it was completely depleted of any vegetation thanks to the pollution generated from extracting nickel from ore. At one point, Sudbury’s landscape was so exposed to contamination that NASA used it in experiments to simulate the surface of the moon. Thankfully, a massive re-greening effort was launched across the city in the 1970s and now Sudbury is intensely perforated with forest. We now deal with bears wandering into the streets in the spring and summer.

What do you do at Treeconomy?

I’m a Remote Sensing Scientist, which means I use geographic data to quantify the amount of biomass (the weight of living things) in our project sites. The end goal of my work is to provide project owners with interactive data about biomass and carbon storage, usually in the form of maps.

Why do you value working at Treeconomy?

When I moved to London I was worried it would be difficult to find a job that spoke to my interests and skills, since the city can be very tech and finance-dominated in the quaternary sector. Luckily, I found Treeconomy, which blends those with environmental sciences and geomatics (what I specialized in). It has always been very important to me to work in a team that aims to improve the condition of the world, so the fact that Treeconomy promotes the regeneration of nature makes me feel like I landed in the right place.

What is your favorite tree?

Willows, because you can hide in them.

What other things do you like to do outside of work?

I spend a lot of time in rehearsals and playing gigs around London with my band(s). I also love going on big, long walks to no particular destination, reading (fiction), listening to podcasts (fraud, cons, scams, and true crime), and traveling overland around Europe.
I also like snacks.
Our team is small but huge in personalities and knowledge! Don't hesitate to contact us if you think you could contribute to our impact-driven mission.